SJII Key Club Kiwanis One Day Event at Willing Hearts

As our ​Key ​Clubs ​are ​part ​of ​the ​larger ​international ​Kiwanis ​family, our SJII Key Club ​participated ​in ​the ​global ​service ​event, ​Kiwanis ​One ​Day ​2017, ​an event ​where ​Key ​Clubs ​all ​over ​the ​world ​join ​together ​in ​a ​day ​of ​service ​on ​the ​fourth ​Saturday of ​October.

As ​a ​club, ​SJII ​started ​brainstorming ​potential ​service ​partners ​who ​were ​open ​to ​having their ​entire ​club ​of ​around ​25 ​people ​help ​serve ​on ​Kiwanis ​One ​Day. ​Their ​final ​choice ​was ​Willing Hearts, ​a ​volunteer-run ​and ​non-profit ​soup ​kitchen ​that ​provides ​about ​5,000 ​meals ​daily ​to over ​40 ​locations ​in ​Singapore ​all ​year ​round.

During ​the ​Sunday ​itself, ​our SJII Key Club members ​arrived ​at ​around ​11:30 ​AM ​and ​started ​helping ​prepare ​the ingredients ​for ​Willing ​Hearts ​by ​12 ​PM. ​In the beginning, our young members ​were ​a ​little ​confused ​as there ​wasn’t ​enough ​staff to ​teach them ​exactly ​what ​to ​do ​and ​how ​to ​do ​it. ​But, ​as ​a ​team, ​our members learned from ​one ​other, passing on their newly acquired knowledge to each other ​on ​how ​to ​cut ​the ​vegetables ​the ​way ​Willing ​Hearts ​wanted ​it ​prepared and ​by ​the ​time ​they ​knew ​it, ​they ​were ​getting ​into ​the groove ​of ​things. ​Peeling, ​washing, grinding ​carrots, chopping, ​peeling, ​and ​even arranging ​Japanese ​Greens!

It is tough work preparing meals for so many people, and ​our SJII Key Club members ​can now fully grasp the hard work behind a simple meal, and it is a meal that can mean so much to the recipients. They have definitely contributed ​meaningfully ​since ​the ​kitchen ​needed ​as ​much help ​as ​they ​could ​get ​in ​preparing ​the ​ingredients ​for ​their ​large scale ​operations. ​By ​the ​time ​our members ​finished ​their ​two ​and ​a ​half ​hours ​of service ​for ​Kiwanis ​One ​Day, ​the members of the ​club certainly ​grew ​closer ​and ​stronger. Their ​executive ​committee ​hopes ​to ​continue ​this ​event ​for ​the ​years
to ​come!